Tuesday 31 December 2013

The Value of a Book

Truly, the value of books can never be evaluated they are Priceless  they can be defined as the very source of our knowledge. Without books we cannot imagine our studies or education, Even before the Paper was discovered books were compiled, People wrote on leaves, leather parchments. The idea of books was Natural, its like though that Knowledge cannot be gained without books.

It's interesting to notice that all the great scientists always had their own private Library. Their Collection was not just limited to their specific field but they had diverse books. Its just like that books are a Gateway to the Realm of Knowledge.

Monday 30 December 2013

Sense of Humour

The Full Form of FEAR

What is Fear?
          Its generally a psychological response of our brain, towards something. We see many a times that many a times people are afraid of many things like Spiders, Dark, Heights e.t.c..    

How Fear works?

                           The brain structure that is the center of most neurobiological events associated with fear is the Amygdala, located behind the pituitary gland. In the presence of a threatening stimulus, the amygdala generates the secretion of hormones that influence fear and aggression. 

                            Once response to the stimulus in the form of fear or aggression commences, the amygdala may elicit the release of hormones into the body to put the person into a state of alertness, in which they are ready to move, run, fight, etc. This defensive response is generally referred to in physiology as the fight-or-flight response regulated by the hypothalamus.Once the person is in safe mode, meaning that there are no longer any potential threats surrounding them, the amygdala will send this information to the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) where it is stored for similar future situations

How Fear is Overcome?

          The Best way to Overcome a fear is to face it, without this one can never expell his fears. There is an intresting story of my friend's relative brother...
                 When his brother was 7 years old, they went to a beach, his uncle just in a manner of playing took his brother and threw him in the water, co-incidently a wave collided the boy just after he landed in the water, thus drowning him partially. Anyhow he was saved but after this incident he developed the fear of Water (Hydrophobia or Aquaphobia). 

                     He used to be so afraid that he was even afraid of a bucket of water. Thier parents consulted a doctor and so began his therapy. Everyday he used to be taken to a swimming pool and be hanged overhead by a rope. He began to learn how to stroke, soon he even learned to swim but still his fear remained. 
                      After he had learnt how to swim he was taken to the very same beach where he drowned as a kid, he swam there, after swimming he realized he was afraid no more....

Saturday 28 December 2013

                           It's really a shame that today majority of our schools and colleges are just stuck up in the sheer learning of facts and figures, usually children are simply forced to learn stuff they don't understand. What's worse is that our Society is oriented in only in grades and nothing else hence many bright kids are often discouraged.

                   Kids of our schools are usually compelled to do only as per Syllabus and instructions, Care and Support for other activities or talent is not only neglected but often Opposed in many cases. I would like to present you a pic which correctly depicts our system.

            In my opinion what our system needs to realize that every kid cannot be taught and be evaluated in the same way. I say,

"Everybody is a champ in his own unique way" 

             When a kid gets low grades, he criticized in such manner that he has to put his talent aside and do what the others are doing. I have a saying of my own, 
                " As the finger prints of all are different so is there talents, thinking, way of learning, expression, thoughts and so on different too "

 I just wanted to show an analogy for us to understand it better that we all are awesome in our own ways and that no one has the right to say that he is better than him or her, he may be better in some other area which he or she is not.  
                       This problem is not alone of the Education System it's also the fault of the society because the society usually discourages the talent and only encourages the grades, it our responsibility too, we should never miss a chance to encourage someone by saying him that his idea was brilliant or if he is a genius. It doesn't take anything to say and for whom it's said he wont forget it, Words are never forgotten, an small inspiration can change someone's life forever... 



As the Saying goes " A Picture can speak a Thousand words "
this saying can be tested here as there can be nothing more to say as the picture is more than enough.
                               A Leader is behind every Revolution and not the Boss because it takes a leaders qualities to make a revolution, Dedication, Sacrifice, Hard work, Selfless attitude is what makes a person into a Leader.
 Never Under Estimate What ONE Man Can Do
                 We have all seen in history that when one of the oppressed stand steadfast against the suppressors, a revolution takes place. Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi are a few names of such people. What it takes is Faith, Patience and a whole lots of courage to make a stand for it. As a famous saying goes
              " Its very easy to walk in the direction of the stream BUT it's a matter of real Courage to walk Against it "

      The heroes, leaders... are those of a kind those who had the courage to walk against the stream.     

Friday 27 December 2013

                       The above quote signifies that The TRUTH does not rely on numbers or majority, and also it tells us one must not simply judge the truth on the basis of majority. Many people as we see blindly imitate the others, this is wrong, one must always use his mind to judge rather than just do what ALL are doing.
                "In order to search the Truth, it is necessary, once in one's life, to put everything in doubt so far as possible." 
                                                                               --- Descrates

 Rene Descartes, was a french mathematician who is known as the as the father of analytical geometry, the bridge between algebra and geometry, The Coordinate System is named after him. What Descrates is saying is in support of our argument here that one must not simply follow the crowd.

                      Now to Simply as well as finalize the topic, Lets see an example, we have a Faulty laptop, we take it to its care center and tell the technician there to fix it without opening it and taking out its parts, Is this Acceptable? Absolutely Not! it sound crazy. That's the same thing here without taking out our old thoughts to renew them or modify them we can never correct ourselves. This is the place where arrogance and pride step in, that's why its said that arrogant and egoistic people never learn its because they don't let don't let there inner selves open to other ideas.

                                I hope this post enlightens you, All and Any type of comments are welcome.

Thanking you,
Abdullah Khan   

Wisdom Wave

Hi, everyone this is my first post for my first blog. I have created this blog with the intention to share our visions, ideals, principles, quotes, and all sort of such stuff. I hope you all enjoy reading this blog.